Riverdale Season 1
- Episode 6 : Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill! -
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# Scene - 프레드의 프레젠테이션을 위해 마련된 저녁 식사 자리.
The real struggle is always art vs. commerce.
struggle : 힘든 일
commerce : 상업
It's never really been about the big pay check.
pay check : 급료
But if we're talking about the future and long-term security, it can't always be about following your bliss.
security : 안전
bliss : 행복
She was the real deal. Gave your act some much needed integrity.
deal : 중요 인물
integrity : 진실성
I figure as long as the kids are having fun, that's the point, right?
as long as : ~하기만 하면
# Scene - 폴리에 대한 진실이 밝혀진 그 후, 베티의 집.
You think that he has the stomach for that?
stomach : 용기
She is depressed and delusional.
delusional : 망상의
About running off to Never Never Land and raising a family? That's a fantasy, Betty.
run off : 도망가다
# Scene - 프레드의 앤드루스 건설에 대한 프레젠테이션.
With the labor force coming from Riverdale, Andrews Construction would stimulate the local economy.
stimulate : 활성화시키다
That's it in a nutshell.
in a nutshell : 간단히 요약하면
After all that salt-of-the-earth talk I didn't expect you to be another dollar-chasing gnetrifier.
salt-of-the-earth : 고결한 사람
I think Fred's bid was refreshing.
refreshing : 신선한
It would take two shareholder signatures to top the process.
shareholder : 주주
# Scene - 팝의 가게에서 부모님에 대한 이야기를 하는 조시와 베로니카.
Anyway, what's your sob story?
Nothing so glamorous.
sob story : 눈물나는 이야기
glamorous : 화려한, 매혹적인
I caught my mom and Fred Andrews in an intimate moment.
intimate : 친밀한, 은밀한
I know dysfunctional families.
dysfunctional : 문제가 있는
# Scene - 프레드에게 공연에 대한 걱정을 표하는 아치.
If I tank at this variety show, would you...?
tank : 완전히 망하다
# Scene - 베로니카의 협조를 요청하는 허마이어니.
When your father was arrested, we made you a legal officer of Lodge Industries.
officer : 책임자
Your father wants to give to a less-than-legit outfit.
legit : 합법적인
outfit : 팀, 그룹
However you're rationalizing what you're doing with Archie's dad, I don't want any part of it.
rationalize : 합리화하다
# Scene - 밸러리에게 푸시캣츠에 가기를 권하는 아치.
Singing backup with no vote, no agency.
vote : 의결권
I'm betting you can negotiate new terms.
bet : ~임에 틀림없다
terms : 조건
# Scene - 베티의 집을 찾아온 저그헤드.
Hey, there, Juliet. Nurse off duty?
nurse : 보모
off duty : 근무 중이 아닌
Polly talked about a car Jason had stashed for them down Route 40.
stash : 숨기다
# Scene - 리버데일 고등학교의 연례 공연 행사. 푸시캣츠의 공연.
If you're up for that tonight.
be up for : ~할 의향이 있다
# Scene - 아치의 공연 순서.
I was angry at my mom and I took it out on you.
take out on : ~에 화풀이를 하다
I souldn't have tried to bench you when Val come back.
bench : 물러나게 하다
I'm hanging on by my whiskers.
whisker : 수염
The prospect of total humiliation infront of the entire town is terrifying.
prospect : 가능성
terrifying : 무서운
Want some company out there?
company : 일행
# Scene - 공연 행사가 끝난 뒤, 허마이어니와 프레드를 발견한 베로니카.
Thanks to my lucky charm.
charm : 부적, 장식물
# Scene - 마무리. 저그헤드의 내레이션.
Fear that as soon as you slay one, there's another monster waiting to take its place.
slay : 죽이다
She was out there, alone, bereft, unmoored.
bereft : 상실감에 빠진
unmoor : 매었던 밧줄을 풀다
* 본문 이미지 출처
: Riverdale Season 1 - Episode 6
* 본 게시물에 포함된 저작물과 관련하여, 문제가 될 경우 내리도록 하겠습니다.
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